Sum of All Fears,the Game Cheats
Submitted by: Devilsfun
How To Use:
While in the game press the enter on the numeric keypad and type one
of the following codes at the console prompt. Exit the console again by
pressing escape.
autowin - Complete Mission
autolose - Fail Mission
shadow - Invisibility
teamshadow - Team becomes Invisible
superman - Invincibility
teamsuperman - Team becomes Invincible
ToggleUI - Toggle User Interface
ammo - Toggle Ammo
run - Move Faster
toggleai - Toggle AI
rock - Make Enemy Bases Belong To Player
spawn - Teleport To Preset Locations
teleport - Teleport
mark - Use With Teleport Command
mark2 - Use With Teleport Command
loc - Report Current Location
refill - Refill Inventory
TheFearOfAllStelmacks - ?
kit - ?
chickenrun - Grenades become chickens
squirrelkite - ?
god - ?
badtree - ?
names - Show Names For Objects
showtextureprops - Show Properties For Objects
hidecorpse - Hide Corpse Names
boom - Shake Screen
rumbleon - Enable Constant Shaky Screen
rumbleoff - ?
eviltwin - ?
range - ?
extremepaintball - Paintball Mode
aiinfo - ?
airoe - ?
dist - ?
report - ?
reticule - ?
findcover - ?
cover - ?
gogetem - ?
testpath - ?
Pathpointlinks - ?
PathPoints - ?
levelmaps - ?
Coverpoints - ?
perf - Show Stats
ToggleShowPerfCounters - Toggle Display Counters
ToggleShowFrameRate - Toggle Display Framerate
ToggleShowTotalStats - ?
ToggleShowLevelStats - ?
ToggleShowActorCharacterStats - ?
ToggleShowInterfaceStats - ?
ToggleShowEffectsStats - ?
ToggleShowSystemMemoryStats - ?
ToggleShowTextureMemoryStats - ?
ToggleShowSceneStats - ?
ToggleMoveTrees - ?
ToggleUseTreeInterleave - ?
SetGama - ?
JournalRecordStart - ?
JournalRecordStop - ?
JournalPlayStart - ?
JournalPlayStop - ?
HidePlayerPosition - ?
ShowPlayerPosition - ?
HideGameCounters - ?
ShowGameCounters - ?
HideFrameCounter - ?
ShowFrameCounter - ?
HideRendererCounters - ?
ShowRendererCounters - ?
LoadGame - ?
SaveGame - ?
Quit - Instant Quit Game
extraviews - ?
savecamerascript - ?
loadcamerascript - ?
cameraspeed - ?
cameraturnspeed - ?
togglereticule - Toggle aiming reticule
ToggleUseSimHumanInterleave - ?
i8086mode - Play the game from the world map
showmotions - ?
showfacing - ?
showguns - ?
modelupdate - ?
listcmds - List all commands
listvars - List all variables
listtypes - List all types
rem - ?
echo - ?
help - ?
exec - ?
alias - ?
setalert - ?