The Moon Project Game Cheats

Submitted by: nightraider

Update by: Josshuae M.

Note: This game is also titled Earth 2150: The Moon Project.

Type these codes during the game: 

Result                                   Code 
Disable cheat mode                     - cheater 0  
Toggle fast research                   - mybrainisfaster <0 or 1>  
Set unit limit to indicated number     - limit_up   
Increase money to indicated number     - moneyfornothing   
Place mines                            - hotground  
Lose Scenario                          - byebye  
Lightning and rain                     - shower  
Toggle full map                        - beautifulmoon <0 or 1>  
Free research                          - sciencefornothing  
Everything researched                  - nobelprize  
Disable fog of war                     - moonlight  
Enable fog of war                      - hide  
Display all opponents on screen        - hereyouare!  
Destroy selected opponent building     - smash  
Destroy your own selected building     - gohome!  
Destroy all visible opponents          - judgementday  
Damage all visible opponents           - tromaville  
Shield, health, and ammo for all units - idkfa 
Unknown                                - ultrascience  
Unknown                                - newone

Submitted by: Michael

Cheat Listed as "shower" actually creates a meteor shower, 
not rain and lighting. Cheat Listed as "newone" actually 
produces a new unit of any type if you know the proper extentions 
to add. I will send the table of unit names and weapon number 
extentions when I find it. 

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