Theme Hospital Game Cheats

Update by: DJ Simo

First click on an icon in the corner. A fax machine 
will pop up with a question on it. Look down at the 
bottom and there are some numbers and then the green
button. Enter 24328 and the following cheats will work.

Or enter 7287 to go to a rat shotting level after you 
have completed the level you are on.

Code      Result
Shift+C  - toget more money
Ctrl+y   - end of the year
Ctrl+C   - full reasearch
Shift+Q  - Earthquake
Shift+E  - Emergency
Ctrl+M   - End month
F11      - Lose the game
F12      - Win the game

More Money:
Submitted by:  Malcolm Bury

type in 247374 then [c and shft] for money!

Submitted by: Dan Caseley

1. Click'n'drop a few members of staff into an empty 
   wing of the hospital 
2. Trap them inside the wing (ie - cover the floor 
   with a line of plants). There has to be no way for them to escape. 
3. Once they are all trapped, click on any/all of them, and fire them. 
4. Watch what happens!!! 
5. Different thngs happen to Doctors, to nurses,etc.

Level select:
Submitted by: Mega-Fred

Start the game with the "Hospital.exe-L(level number)" 
command line.

Submitted by: chris

If you type in ctrl+shift+c after the 24328 cheat then 
you will get the research for the whole game not just 
your level.

To get all the rooms and litter bombs: 

Submitted by: Matt Larter

On the fax machine use the keypad to type 24328 and 
then press the green button. After press on one of 
the normal box's to continue the game then press 
leftshift and C to get money and leftcontrol and C 
to get all of the avalible rooms on that level! 

text: Exept the "fax-screen cheats", you can choose level. 
Just press C when in the board game screen before a level starts. 
Then, click on any part of the board to go to that level.

Submitted by

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