Thief 3 - Deadly Shadows Game Cheats
Submitted by: conner54
Go to the Thief - Deadly ShadowsSystem directory
Copy the DEFAULT.INI file for backup
Then Open the DEFAULT.INI with a texteditor like notepad.
Scroll to the [Difficulty] section. or use the find option ;)
AI visual acuity multiplier - how well AIs can see
AI auditory acuity multiplier - how well AIs can hear
AI tactile acuity multiplier - how well AIs can feel
AI hitpoints multiplier - all AI starting hitpoints will be scaled by this
AI-to-player damage multiplier - all damage applied to the player by the
AI is scaled by this
change the multiplier for see/hear/feel/hitpoints//damage to whatever u feel like,
(0)zero usually does it hehe.
As u can see the settings are for easy/normal/hard or expert level.
If u want u can change them all, but its not necessary just remember which one u changed.
Submitted by: kimo
Well this isn`t a cheat but you can have an easy life when you have to fight or avoid
Gamal`s statues (these things are hard to kill).You only have to crouch if you get
spotted or want to destroy one of these things.Alltough normally you are safe if you go
up stairs or you are on a surface a bit higher than the one on wich the statue is there
is a possibillity to get killed.