Trespasser Game Cheats
To activate these codes press Ctrl-F11. A cursor
will pop up in the bottom left corner. Type the
desired code then press ENTER. When finished press
Ctrl-F11 again.
BIONICWOMAN - Jump high, but run slow.
INVUL - Invulnerablitly.
LOC - Location.
GORE 2 - Enhances level of blood.
DINOS - Pause Dinos in tracks.
BONES - Shows outline, of things you can interact
with, or just shows objects.
WOO - Unlimited ammo.
TNEXT - Transports you through important locations
on the level.
GORE - Fatal error.
WIN - Ending movie.
SORT - Fatal error.
Level Select
You can also jump to any level by hitting
CTRL + shift + Q + W
and then letting up on W.
Hidden Gun
In the second board where you have pile a box up
to get over the cliff do the following. Pick up the
smallest rock possible. Try to throw it to knock down
the box farthest left. if you hit it just right you
should have knocked down a Bannell1 M1 Super 90.
Easter egg
In town, head to the Research Center when you reach the steps
(before walking up), turn 90 degrees to the right. Walk
straight for the gate with the blockades in front of it.
Go around the blockades and get to the gate itself. It has two
beams "locking" it shut.
If you're really Trespasser savvy, you shouldn't have much
difficulty climbing up to gate. (keep jumping, and walking
forward until you are at the top). Don't worry about falling
off to the other side, there is one of those invisible
boundaries here. You couldn't walk off the wall if you
wanted to.
Balance on the gate and get onto the wall (to the right).
Now walk on the top of the wall towards the church and
Hammond's house.
Way before you reach anything, you will see a niche in
the top of the wall. Don't try to jump over it.
Just keep walking. The computer will suddenly load up
the easter egg level.
The level has: all the weapons, a raptor, two gold bars,
a gray InGen card, a HUGE stone domino set each of the
four corners are marked with a funky floating cube, a
large floating paper airplane-like thing pointing to
a little path in the land (if you follow the path you
can safely "fall" off the world onto the white
"nothingness", where, I suppose, you are stranded for
all eternity. Some vacation.), a severed human head
(one of the folks at DreamWorks?), and several
perplexing "markings" on the ground (one appears to
have a "beam" of light shining on it from heaven).
To make things worse, Annie keeps saying odd things
like, "It looks like it wandered off the trail" or
something like that.