Uncharted Waters 2 - New Horizons Game Cheats

Name yourself "Black Beard" and no pirate will attack you. 

Use the following coordinates to find the corresponding 

Location                     Coordinates 
Village                     - 10N 90E 
London                      - 53N 0E 
Map                         - 5N 150E 
Hamburg - Gunnery school    - Unknown  
Sofala                      - 17S 34E 
Venice - Cartographer guild - Unknown  
Tunnis                      - 37N 10E 
Rumor                       - 0N 5E 
Luanda                      - 8S 12E 
Malindi                     - 3S 39E 
Santa Cruz                  - 28N 17W  
Eville                      - 37N 6W 
Ceylon                      - 8N 80E 
Pisa - Duke of modena       - Unknown  
Cisco Alvarez - Pernambuco  - 11S 44W  
Unknown                     - 5S 90W 
Unknown                     - 50S 50W 
Dublin                      - 54N 7W 
Azor                        - 47N 38E 
Aurmaline                   - 15S 36E 
Sakai                       - 35N 135E

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