Warlords Battlecry II Game Cheats

Submitted by: conner54

Type these codes while playing the game:
The codes will not work if the game has been patched to v1.03.

Result          Code
God mode      - iamatank
Full map      - iamaseer
Lose scenario - iamaloser
Win scenario  - iamawinner
All spells    - iamanarchmage

Submitted by: maaz sultan

To expose the map,and get 10000 of each in gold,metal,stone and crystal

Easy experience:
Play the Eyries map and put the enemies at Emperor. At the end of the
battle, you should
get about 47 experience.

Quick and cheap army:
Play as the Dark Elves on a random map with lots of animals. Create a Spider
and attack the animals. The result is four spiders.

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