eConsultant - .Net FAQ
Q1: What is the .Net platform?
Ans: Microsoft's definition: .NET is the Microsoft Web
services strategy to connect information, people, systems, and
devices through software. Integrated across the Microsoft platform,
.NET technology provides the ability to quickly build, deploy,
manage, and use connected, security-enhanced solutions with
Web services. .NET-connected solutions enable businesses to
integrate their systems more rapidly and in a more agile manner
and help them realize the promise of information anytime, anywhere,
on any device.
Q2: Where is the Microsoft .Net homepage?
Ans: Microsoft
.Net (new
Q3: Where can I find a quick Glossary of terms?
Ans: Microsoft
.Net Glossary (new
Q4: Where is the .NET Framework SDK?
Ans: Download the .NET
Framework SDK Version 1.1 (new