Quotatio : 50,000+ Quotes and Quotations

There are 50,000+ quotes from 10,000+ authors.

A : Douglas Adams | Joseph Addison | Aesop | Fred Allen | Woody Allen | Maya Angelou | Aristotle | Isaac Asimov | Marcus Aurelius | Jane Austen | ... see all 434 authors

B : Sir Francis Bacon | Dave Barry | Henry Ward Beecher | Ambrose Bierce | Josh Billings | Erma Bombeck | Buddha | George W Bush | Samuel Butler | Lord Byron | ... see all 997 authors

C : Albert Camus | George Carlin | Thomas Carlyle | Dale Carnegie | Gilbert K Chesterton | Sir Winston Churchill | Marcus Tullius Cicero | Quintus Tullius Cicero | Charles Caleb Colton | Confucius | ... see all 886 authors

D : Anthony J. D'Angelo | Robertson Davies | Bette Davis | Leonardo DiCaprio | Charles Dickens | Emily Dickinson | Marlene Dietrich | Walt Disney | Benjamin Disraeli | Peter F Drucker | ... see all 542 authors

E : Thomas Alva Edison | Albert Einstein | Dwight D Eisenhower | George Eliot | T S Eliot | Henry Havelock Ellis | Ralph Waldo Emerson | Epictetus | Desiderius Erasmus | Euripides | ... see all 262 authors

F : William Faulkner | W C Fields | Henry Ford | Anatole France | Benjamin Franklin | Sigmund Freud | Diane Frolov | Robert Frost | Richard Buckminster Fuller | Thomas Fuller | ... see all 429 authors

G : John Kenneth Galbraith | Mohandas Gandhi | John W Gardner | Judy Garland | Charles De Gaulle | Kahlil Gibran | Andre Gide | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Samuel Goldwyn | Baltasar Gracian | ... see all 621 authors

H : William Hazlitt | Robert A Heinlein | Ernest Hemingway | Eric Hoffer | Oliver Wendell Holmes | Homer | Horace | Elbert Hubbard | Victor Hugo | Aldous Huxley | ... see all 790 authors

I : Lee Iacocca | Henrik Ibsen | Robert Green Ingersoll | William Ralph Inge | Eugene Ionesco | John Irving | Washington Irving | Christopher Isherwood | Molly Ivins | Eddie Izzard | ... see all 51 authors

J : Jesse Jackson | Henry James | William James | Thomas Jefferson | Lyndon Baines Johnson | Samuel Johnson | Franklin P Jones | Erica Jong | Joseph Joubert | Carl Gustav Jung | ... see all 254 authors

K : Helen Keller | John F Kennedy | Robert F Kennedy | Nikita S Khrushchev | Soren Kierkegaard | Martin Luther King | Stephen King | Rudyard Kipling | Henry A Kissinger | Anna Kournikova | ... see all 458 authors

L : Doug Larson | Fran Lebowitz | Stanislaw J Lec | Jay Leno | C S Lewis | Abraham Lincoln | Anne Morrow Lindbergh | John Locke | Vince T Lombardi | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | ... see all 574 authors

M : Niccolo Machiavelli | Groucho Marx | William Somerset Maugham | Marshall McLuhan | Golda Meir | Herman Melville | H L Mencken | Henry G Miller | John Stuart Mill | Michel de Montaigne | ... see all 927 authors

N : Ralph Nader | Ogden Nash | George Jean Nathan | Jawaharlal Nehru | Olivia Newton-John | Reinhold Niebuhr | Friedrich Nietzsche | Anais Nin | Richard M Nixon | Kathleen Norris | ... see all 238 authors

O : Joyce Carol Oates | David M Ogilvy | Sir Laurence Olivier | Aristotle Onassis | J Robert Oppenheimer | Robert Orben | P J O'Rourke | George Orwell | Sir William Osler | Ovid | ... see all 122 authors

P : Thomas Paine | Dorothy Parker | Blaise Pascal | Laurence J Peter | Emo Phillips | Pablo Picasso | Plato | Plutarch | Alexander Pope | Terry Pratchett | ... see all 471 authors

Q : Ai Qing | Dennis Quaid | Francis Quarles | Salvatore Quasimodo | Dan Quayle | Robert Quillen | Thomas De Quincey | Anna Quindlen | Quintilian | Robin Quivers | ... see all 26 authors

R : Ayn Rand | Ronald Reagan | Francois de La Rochefoucauld | Will Rogers | Eleanor Roosevelt | Franklin Delano Roosevelt | Theodore Roosevelt | Donald H Rumsfeld | John Ruskin | Bertrand Russell | ... see all 451 authors

S : George Santayana | Albert Schweitzer | Seneca | William Shakespeare | George Bernard Shaw | Socrates | Sophocles | Adlai E Stevenson | Robert Louis Stevenson | Publilius Syrus | ... see all 960 authors

T : Alfred Lord Tennyson | Mother Teresa | Margaret Thatcher | Henry David Thoreau | James Thurber | J R R Tolkien | Leo Tolstoy | Harry S Truman | Mark Twain | Lao Tzu | ... see all 372 authors

U : Morris K Udall | Stewart L Udall | Peter Ueberroth | Brenda Ueland | Samuel Ullman | Miguel de Unamuno | Evelyn Underhill | Louis Untermeyer | John Updike | Peter Ustinov | ... see all 41 authors

V : Paul Valery | Bill Vaughan | Gore Vidal | Leonardo da Vinci | Pope Paul VI | Virgil | David Viscott | Voltaire | Kurt Vonnegut | Peter De Vries | ... see all 126 authors

W : Andy Warhol | Orson Welles | H G Wells | Mae West | Alfred North Whitehead | Oscar Wilde | Woodrow Wilson | Oprah Winfrey | Frank Lloyd Wright | Steven Wright | ... see all 562 authors

X : Xenocrates | Xenophon | Xerxes | Deng Xiaoping | Malcolm X | ... see all 5 authors

Y : William Butler Yeats | Boris Yeltsin | Andrew Young | Coleman Young | Edward Young | Pliny the Younger | Henny Youngman | Henry Youngman | Whitney M Young | Lin Yutang | ... see all 57 authors

Z : Israel Zangwill | Frank Zappa | Peter Nivio Zarlenga | Jason Zebehazy | Zeno | Warren Zevon | Zig Ziglar | Johann Georg von Zimmermann | Emile Zola | Eric Zorn | ... see all 48 authors

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