What is ID_2001 Trojan Horse Remover ?
Malware Name : ID_2001 Trojan Horse Remover
Malware Type : Backdoor (A Backdoor is a program that uses a secret and/or undocumented means of getting into a computer system. Some software programs have backdoors for programmers to troubleshoot or change the program. Some backdoor programs test the system and phone home to allow for future attacks.)
Executable File(s) : id_2001 trojan horse remover.exe
Registry Entry/Entries :
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\windows32app
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\runservices\windows32app
Solution : Software to remove ID_2001 Trojan Horse Remover Backdoor
Also : Anti-Spyware Software List | Anti-Trojan Software List | Anti-Virus Software List | Firewall Software List