What is IEMax ?
Malware Name : IEMax
Malware Type : Trojan (A Trojan is a program that either contains a malware program or performs (subversive) actions not asked for by the installing user.)
Executable File(s) : popservice.exe , fileupdate.exe , popservi.exe , fileupda.exe , 8888_6.exe , 888_4.exe
DLL File(s) : helperservice.dll , helperse.dll , systemtoolbar.dll , systemto.dll
Registry Entry/Entries :
- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\clsid\{6b2455fd-3669-4555-8df8-69fd5bc846f8}\inprocserver32
- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\clsid\{6b2455fd-3669-4555-8df8-69fd5bc846f8}\inprocserver32 threadingmodel
- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\clsid\{6b2455fd-3669-4555-8df8-69fd5bc846f8}\progid
Solution : Software to remove IEMax Trojan
Also : Anti-Spyware Software List | Anti-Trojan Software List | Anti-Virus Software List | Firewall Software List