What is SAHAgent ?

Malware Name : SAHAgent

Malware Type : Spyware (A Spyware is any program that gathers/transmits information on a user's computer system to an outside party via the user's internet connection **without** the user's knowledge. Spyware programs collect user's browsing information, IP address, operating system information etc and transmit back such information to their servers.)

Executable File(s) : %windows%\system\sahdownloader.exe , %windows%\temp\bundle.exe , %windows%\downloaded program files\sahu

DLL File(s) : qh4mkbv9.dll , hclo80jl.dll , bvrg93m9.dll , apc0b5i9.dll , 8396j92r.dll , 21gifugd.dll , 110975.dll , %windows%\d

Solution : Software to remove SAHAgent Spyware

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