What is Trojan.Swizzor ?
Malware Name : Trojan.Swizzor
Malware Type : Downloader (A Downloader is a program that downloads software from the internet. It may automatically install software without asking for permission.)
Executable File(s) : 64bags1157.exe , 44b56ef.exe , 3e7e6.exe , 7ec10edf10.exe , 705a991150.exe , 6c0bc31613.exe , 6907a21325.exe , abo
DLL File(s) : C:\Program Files\shimbo~1\bike poke.dll , C:\Program Files\softwa~1\wave wait.dll , C:\Program Files\softwa
Solution : Software to remove Trojan.Swizzor Downloader
Also : Anti-Spyware Software List | Anti-Trojan Software List | Anti-Virus Software List | Firewall Software List