What is WebHancer ?
Malware Name : WebHancer
Malware Type : Spyware (A Spyware is any program that gathers/transmits information on a user's computer system to an outside party via the user's internet connection **without** the user's knowledge. Spyware programs collect user's browsing information, IP address, operating system information etc and transmit back such information to their servers.)
Executable File(s) : mmod.exe , eiuninst.exe , auto_update_uninstall.exe , ezstub.exe , sahuninstall.exe , webhdll708.exe , webhdll71
DLL File(s) : %windows%\webhdll.dll , %windows%\system\whiehlpr.dll , %windows%\downlo~1\mqgold1.dll , %system%\whiehlpr
Solution : Software to remove WebHancer Spyware
Also : Anti-Spyware Software List | Anti-Trojan Software List | Anti-Virus Software List | Firewall Software List