Technical Tips : 50 Top links for SGA

  1. Welcome to - There is no fantasy.
  2. GateWorld | Your Complete Guide to Stargate!
  3. A Beautiful Lifetime Event by Shalott (SGA)
  4. Advantage [See also : || fic || ]
  5. 14 Valentines : Bell Curve, or, Ladies Night at the Boom Boom Room
  6. Your Inevitable Unhappy Ending by helen
  7. Julad - Thicker Than Water [See also : || fic || ]
  8. Intersections, by Kaneko
  9. rageprufrock - Hindsight [See also : || fic || ]
  10. Time in a Bottle
  11. MVP [See also : || fic || ]
  12. Transcendental
  13. Isis - Double Occupancy [See also : || fic || ]
  14. Last Will and Testament (SGA, incest, AU, McKay/Sheppard)
  15. Oblivious by Shalott
  16. amific: Fic: Scenes from a Lesser War, SGA, NC-17, McKay/Sheppard 1/3
  17. About a lamp by torch (SGA)
  18. Abstain
  19. The Universe Is Not Enough by trinityofone (SGA, Sheppard/McKay, PG, 2,775 words) [See also : || humor || ]
  20. Quarks, Quantum Chromodynamics and Other Unproven Theories
  21. Julad: The Secret Life of Scientists
  22. glitterati . fiction . stargate: atlantis . #435, The Atlantis Local Stitch'n'Bitch Cha... [See also : || fic || ]
  23. Existence As Interesting As Possible by waxjism
  24. Absurdity Theory--Julad
  25. proof by contradiction [astolat] [See also : || fic || ]
  26. Cartography by Touch [pru]
  27. Coping Mechanisms by amireal
  28. SGA - 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (give or take), by Merry
  29. Moka by Martha
  30. amific: Fic: Leavenworth, SGA, NC-17, McKay/Sheppard (1/2)
  31. The Illustrated Rodneysaur
  32. Linguistics, by Stillane (SGA, McKay/Sheppard) [See also : || fic || ]
  33. Under The Sea by Shalott (SGA, Sheppard/McKay, NC-17, 4,500 words)
  34. Dasha - Untalented And Completely Unprepared, But Giving It His Best Shot Anyway [See also : || fic || ]
  35. visiting hours-lilysaid
  36. Jenn's Stargate: Atlantis Recs
  37. all brand new by seperis, sequel to amireal's close encounters
  38. Once Upon a Furry Octopus [skoosie] [See also : || fic || ]
  39. synecdochic: SGA: Nondisclosure Agreement
  40. SEQUEL: He's Having His Baby! by Rageprufrock (SGA)
  41. The Other Half of the Equation by lamardeuse
  42. Silence Implying Sound by trinityofone
  43. Unhealthy Attachment
  44. Double Treat - A McKay/Sheppard fansite
  45. Fifth Kiss by brighidestone
  46. cimorene: instantaneous
  47. He's Having Her Baby! [See also : || fic || ]
  48. rageprufrock: More Than (Hindsight)
  49. Nifra Idril - Nine Things John has Loved and Lost* [See also : || fic || ]
  50. synecdochic: FIC: A Long Gold Sliding Into Dawn [1/2] [See also : || fic || ]

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