Technical Tips : 50 Top links for Webdev

  1. Quick Online Tips: Absolutely - Complete Tool Collection [See also : || || tools || delicious || tips || bookmarks || ]
  2. - web 2.0 javascript [See also : || web2.0 || webdesign || ]
  3. Web Developer's Handbook [See also : || css || webdesign || html || howto || ]
  4. digg [See also : || article || blog || blogging || business || community || ]
  5. css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design [See also : || webdesign || ]
  6. Netvibes [See also : || ajax || web2.0 || javascript || ]
  7. Lightbox JS
  8. A List Apart: A List Apart [See also : || design || css || webdesign || web || ]
  9. adaptive path » ajax: a new approach to web applications [See also : || ajax || blog || web2.0 || webdesign || reference || ]
  10. Prototype JavaScript Framework: Class-style OO, Ajax, and more [See also : || development || howto || library || ruby || rails || ]
  11. Typetester – Compare fonts for the screen
  12. stock.xchng - the leading free stock photography site [See also : || photos || free || images || design || ]
  13. W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
  14. CSS Vault » The Web's CSS Site [See also : || css || design || webdesign || inspiration || html || ]
  15. Brilliant Button Maker by
  16. Ning - Create and share your own social web apps! [See also : || social || web || ajax || tools || community || ]
  17. Open Source Web Design - Download and upload free web designs. [See also : || webdesign || ]
  18. moo.fx - the next small thing [See also : || javascript || ajax || library || webdesign || web || ]
  19. Ruby on Rails
  20. CSS Beauty | CSS Design Showcase [See also : || css || design || web || webdesign || layout || ]
  21. Stylegala - Web Design Publication [See also : || css || design || web2.0 || ]
  22. TechCrunch
  23. Web Design from Scratch [See also : || css || design || ]
  24. QuirksMode - for all your browser quirks [See also : || css || javascript || web || html || webdesign || ]
  25. Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby [See also : || reference || rubyonrails || ]
  26. Koders - Source Code Search Engine [See also : || opensource || programming || ]
  27. try ruby! [See also : || ruby || ajax || ]
  28. 24 ways [See also : || webdesign || ]
  29. Using prototype.js v1.3.1 [See also : || ajax || development || howto || javascript || programming || ]
  30. Emily Chang - eHub [See also : || blogging || ajax || blog || bookmarking || cool || ]
  31. intensivstation :: CSS Templates :: Templates [See also : || css || layout || ]
  32. Dojo - [See also : || ajax || javascript || programming || opensource || ]
  33. In Search of the Holy Grail [See also : || css || ]
  34. - 7685 Adobe Photoshop Tutorials
  35. Home [See also : || ajax || development || database || tools || web2.0 || ]
  36. /* Position Is Everything */ — Modern browser bugs explained in detail! [See also : || css || tips || hacks || html || reference || ]
  37. Using Ruby on Rails for Web Development on Mac OS X [See also : || mac || ]
  38. Essential bookmarks for web-designers and webdevelopers | CSS, Color Tools, Royalty fre...
  39. FavIcon from Pics [See also : || design || tools || fun || ]
  40. Icons [See also : || web || ]
  41. Django | The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines [See also : || python || web || programming || ]
  42. 9rules Network [See also : || design || web || ]
  43. Welcome | Creative Commons [See also : || images || ]
  44. Lorem Ipsum - All the facts - Lipsum generator [See also : || webdesign || ]
  45. Behaviour : Using CSS selectors to apply Javascript behaviours [See also : || javascript || development || css || library || ]
  46. Layout Gala [See also : || css || layout || design || html || webdesign || ]
  47. Listamatic: one list, many options - Using CSS and a simple list to create radically di... [See also : || design || css || webdesign || lists || html || ]
  48. Google Analytics [See also : || tools || ]
  49. Ruby on Rails [See also : || rails || computer || programming || ]
  50. Top 10 custom JavaScript functions of all time [See also : || javascript || programming || reference || web || development || ]

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