eConsultant - Meaning of Liff
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GALASHIELS (pl.n.) :
A form of particularly long sparse sideburns which are part of
the mandatory uniform of British Rail guards.
GALLIPOLI (adj.) :
Of the behaviour of a bottom lip trying to spit mouthwash after
an injection at the dentist. Hence, loose, floppy, useless. 'She
went suddenly Gallipoli in his arms' - Noel Coward.
GANGES (n. rare : colonial Indian) :
Leg-rash contracted from playing too much polo. (It is a little-known
fact that Prince Charles is troubled by ganges down the inside
of his arms.)
GASTARD (n.) :
Useful specially new-coined word for an illegitimate child (in
order to distinguish it from soneone who merely carves you up
on the motorway, etc.)
Descriptive of a joke someone tells you which starts well, but
which becomes so embellished in the telling that you start to
weary of it after scarcely half an hour.
GIPPING (participial vb.)
: The fish-like opening and closing of the jaws seen amongst
people who have recently been to the dentist and are puzzled as
to whether their teeth have been put back the right way up.
: The feeling of infinite sadness engendered when walking through
a place filled with happy people fifteen years younger than yourself.
: A seaside pebble which was shiny and interesting when wet,
and which is now a lump of rock, which children nevertheless insist
on filing their suitcases with after the holiday.
: The state of a barrister's flat greasy hair after wearing
a wig all day.
: The kind of guilt which you'd completely forgotten about which
comes roaring back on discovering an old letter in a cupboard.
: A particular kind of tartan hold-all, made exclusive under
licence for British Airways. When waiting to collect your luggage
from an airport conveyor belt, you will notice that on the next
conveyor belt along there is always a single, solitary bag going
round and round uncollected. This is a glentaggart, which has
been placed there by the baggage-handling staff to take your mind
off the fact that your own luggage will shortly be landing in
GLENTIES (pl.n.)
: Series of small steps by which someone who has made a serious
tactical error in a conversion or argument moves from complete
disagreement to wholehearted agreement.
: A small tartan pouch worn beneath the kilt during the thistle-harvest.
: A hat which politicians buy to go to Russia in.
: One who takes pleasure in informing others about their bowel
: A rouge blob of food. Glossops, which are generally streaming
hot and highly adhesive invariably fall off your spoon and on
to the surface of your host's highly polished antique-rosewood
dining table. If this has not, or may not have, been noticed by
the company present, swanage (q.v.) may be employed.
: The place where food can be stored after having a tooth extracted.
Some Arabs can go without sustenance for up to six weeks on a
full glutt lodge, hence the expression 'the shit of the dessert'.
: Someone who stops Jon Cleese on the street and demands that
he does a funny walk.
: Wonderful rush of relief on discovering that the ely (q.v.)
and the wembley (q.v.) were in fact false alarms.
GOLANT (adj.)
: Blank, sly and faintly embarrassed. Pertaining to the expression
seen on the face of someone who has clearly forgotten your name.
GOOLE (n.)
: The puddle on the bar into which the barman puts your change.
GOOSECRUIVES (pl. n. archaic)
: A pair of wooden trousers worn by poultry-keepers in the Middle
: Something left over from preparing or eating a meal, which
you store in the fridge despite the fact that you know full well
you will never ever use it.
: A fat book containing four words and six cartoons which cost
GREAT WAKERING (participial vb.)
: Panic which sets in when you badly need to go to the lavatory
and cannot make up your mind about what book or magazine to take
with you.
: Someone who continually annoys you by continually apologising
for annoying you.
: A shade of green which makes you wish you'd painted whatever
it was a different colour.
: A small bush from which cartoon characters dangle over the
edge of a cliff.
: A lump of something gristly and foul tasting concealed in
a mouthful of stew or pie. Grimsbies are sometimes merely the
result of careless cookery, but more often they are placed there
deliberately by Freemasons. Grimsbies can be purchased in bulk
from any respectable Masonic butcher on giving him the secret
Masonic handbag. One is then placed in a guests food to see if
he knows the correct masonic method of dealing with it. If the
guest is not a Mason, the host may find it entertaining to watch
how he handles the obnoxious object. It may be
(a) manfully swallowed, invariably bringing tears to the eyes,
(b) chewed with resolution for up to twenty minutes before
eventually resorting to method (a),
(c) choked on fatally.
The Masonic handshake is easily recognised by another Mason
incidentally, for by it a used grimsby is passed from hand to
hand. The secret Masonic method for dealing with a grimsby is
as follows : remove it carefully with the silver tongs provided,
using the left hand. Cross the room to your host, hopping on one
leg, and ram the grimsby firmly up his nose, shouting, 'Take that,
you smug Masonic bastard.'
: The state of a lady's clothing after she has been to powder
her nose and has hitched up her tights over her skirt at the back,
thus exposing her bottom, and has walked out without noticing
: Queasy but unbowed. The kind of feeling one gets when discovering
a plastic compartment in a fridge in which thing are growing.
GWEEK (n.)
: A coat hanger recycled as a car aerial.
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