eConsultant - Meaning of Liff
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MAARUIG (n.) :
The inexpressible horror experienced on walking up in the morning
and remembering that you are Andy Stewart.
MAENTWROG (n. Welsh) :
Celtic word for a computer spelling mistake.
MALIBU (n.) :
The height by which the top of a wave exceeds the height to which
you have rolled up your trousers.
The small holes in a loaf of bread which give rise to the momentary
suspicion that something may have made its home within.
A hideous piece of chipboard veneer furniture bought in a suburban
high street furniture store and designed to hold exactly a year's
supply of Sunday colour supplements.
MARGATE (n.) :
A margate is a particular kind of commissionaire who sees you
every day and is on cheerful Christian-name terms with you, then
one day refuses to let you in because you've forgotten your identify
MARKET DEEPING (participial vb.) :
Stealing one piece of fruit from a street fruit-and- vegetable
MARLOW (n.) :
The bottom drawer in the kitchen your mother keeps her paper bags
A person to whom, under dire injunctions of silence, you tell
a secret which you wish to be fare more widely known.
Those items and particles which people who, after blowing their
noses, are searching for when they look into their hankies.
(Of neckties.) Any colour which Nigel Rees rejects as unsuitable
for his trousers or jacket.
The almost-completely-forgotten girlfriend from your distant past
for whom your wife has a completely irrational jealousy and hatred.
MEATH (adj.) :
Warm and very slightly clammy. Descriptive of the texture of your
hands after the automatic drying machine has turned itself off,
just damp enough to make it embarrassing if you have to shake
hands with someone immediately afterwards.
MEATHOP (n.) :
One who sets off for the scene of an aircraft crash with a picnic
MEETH (n.) :
Something which American doctors will shortly tell us we are all
suffering from.
The name of the style of decoration used in cocktail lounges in
mock Tudor hotels in Surrey.
The ghastly sound made by traditional folksingers.
A patent anti-wrinkle cream which policemen wear to keep themselves
looking young.
MEMPHIS (n.) :
The little bits of yellow fluff which get trapped in the hinge
of the windscreen wipers after polishing the car with a new duster.
The melodious whistling, chanting and humming tone of the milwaukee
can be heard whenever a public lavatory is entered. It is the
way the occupants of the cubicles have of telling you there's
no lock on their door and you can't come in.
The expression on a man's face when he has just zipped up his
trousers without due care and attention.
MOFFAT (n. tailoring term) :
That part of your coat which is designed to be sat on by the person
next of you on the bus.
MOLESBY (n.) :
The kind of family that drives to the seaside and then sits in
the car with all the windows closed, reading the Sunday Express
and wearing sidcups (q.v.)
The bundle of hair which is left after a monk has been tonsured,
which he keeps tired up with a rubber band and uses for chasing
ants away.
MOTSPUR (n.) :
The fourth wheel of a supermarket trolley which looks identical
to the other tree but renders the trolley completely uncontrollable.
Imagine being on a vacation, and it's raining all the time, you
are driving and the kids are making you a nervous wreck. Well
you are definitely in Mo i Rana.
MUGEARY (n. medical) :
The substance from which the unpleasant little yellow globules
in the corners of a sleepy person's eyes are made.
A meadow selected, whilst driving past, as being ideal for a picnic
which, from a sitting position, turns out to be full of stubble,
dust and cowpats, and almost impossible to enjoy yourself in.
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